
Showing posts from June, 2018

Strip Mtext

This program creates a user command that will quickly remove formatting applied to individual characters and words inside Mtext objects. StripMtext can remove the following types of formatting: Alignment  Color  Font Height  Underscore  Overscore  Linefeed (Paragraph Return)  Obliquing  Stacking  Tracking  Width  Non-breaking Space StripMtext does not modify Mtext properties such as style, justification, width, and rotation.  Nor does it manipulate inherited properties such as layer, entity color, etc. Note: Removing Mtext formatting is a very complex procedure.  This program has been designed to safely remove formatting but no guarantee exist.  Until you become familiar with StripMtext, please save your drawing before using.  If you do not like the results, you can immediatly issue an Undo command to restore your Mtext to its prior condition.  You are encouraged to spend a few minu...

Outline Objects

 This program enables the user to generate one or more closed          polylines or regions outlining all objects in a selection.                                                                                  Following a valid selection, the program calculates the overall       rectangular extents of all selected objects and constructs a          temporary rectangular polyline offset outside of such extents.                                                                              Using a...

Compare Directories

TreeComp is an interactive utility to keep 2 directory trees and the files within the directories in sync. The combined tree is displayed using a treeview control with icons indicating the status per directory. Programs to view the differences (i.e. Microsoft's WinDiff or WinMerge) between files with the same name can be launched by double-clicking, as well as editors for a file residing in one of the 2 trees. After inspection files can be copied/deleted interactively as desired. In our organization we view this program as an indispensable tool that is far beyond xcopy /s /e. TreeComp should work on all versions of Windows (95/98/NT 4/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 and Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016). Credits :