Batch Production Of Individual E-transmit Files

Question ? 

I recently started using e-transmit for sending files. The option of e-transmit is available only when file is open so can be done with one sheet only.

How about when I want to send multiple sheet & some of there are interlinked. Is there a set up which I can use from window explorer rather than opening the file, so I can choose multifiles.


Step 1

Download AutoScript-for-AutoCAD file from the following LINK

Step 2

Download and copy the script to your computer

Step 3

Open Autoscript from AutoCAD

  • Goto Drawing > Add Files / Add Folder
  • Browse your script file
  • Run > Start
  • Done.


  1. hi Shibin.. thanks for this very useful tip.

    i have a lisp(given below) to reduce file size.

    (defun c:RFZ ()
    (dictremove (namedobjdict) "ACAD_DGNLINESTYLECOMP")
    (command "-purge" "all" "" "n")
    (command "-purge" "r" "" "n")
    (command "qsave")

    can we use this lisp as the same way like you did for e-transmitting , without opening multiple drawings in a folder.

  2. Yes. Save your lisp file as script [ eg : xxxxx.scr ] and follow the same.

    1. thankyou for your reply..
      but its not working, the autocad itself got stuck..
      is there anything to be changed in the lisp?
      if possible .. it will be a great help

    2. Its working fine for me. The cleaning rate of a file depends on the size of the CAD file.

      Follow the link to download the script file...

    3. i tried... but its just opened the drawing just saved and close... the size remained the same

    4. Hai shibin.thanks for this very useful tip.can you make pdf plot script file. it will be a great help.


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