BGTOOLS (Background tools)

BGLAYDEL - Deleting frozen and frozen layers with primitives
BG1BLEXP - Blocks blocks consisting of one primitive (possibly another block)
BGBLEXP - Blocks the block and all the blocks included in it, turning visible attributes into text
BGBLEXP1 - Blocks the blocks of the 1st level, turning visible attributes into text
BGBLDYNEXP1 - Explodes dynamic blocks of the 1st level, turning visible attributes into text
BGBLEXP1NOATT - Blocks level 1 blocks that do not have visible attributes
BGBLXCLIP - Shows clipped blocks
BGBLDYN2A - Converts dynamic blocks to anonymous
BGBLDYN2S - Converts dynamic blocks to static ones
BGBLALLDYN2A - Converts ALL dynamic blocks to anonymous    
BGBLALLDYN2S - Converts ALL dynamic blocks to static ones  
BGBLXCLIPEXP - to blow up the cropped block
BGCB - copies one of the block occurrences to a block with a new name 
BGRB - renames one of the block occurrences in a block with a new name
M2U - Convert MINSERT to Unnamed block
M2B - Convert MINSERT to block
U2B - Convert UNNAMED to block
U2BM - Convert UNNAMED to block multiple choice
UX - Blow up UNNAMED block
BGRGB2ACI - Changes the color from RGB to ACI
BGAll2RGB - Changes the ACI color to its RGB equivalent
BGCOLOR - Sets the selected color to all objects
BGCOLORXREF - Changes the color of selected external references (only in the current session)
BGCOLBL - Setting the "after" colors of the primitives of the base. If the color is set explicitly, a new layer is created ! New from version 3.0
BGResetXRef -Resetting the layers of selected external links to those set in the source file
BGBLCC - Change the color of selected blocks
BGENCC - Changes the color of the selected block item
BGCATT - Changes the color of attributes of selected blocks
BGCBL2 - Changes the color in blocks of 2 or more levels (nested blocks)
BGBLFIX - Normalization of blocks (color, layer, explosivity, etc.)
BGCFT - Converts all fields to plain text
BGCFTSEL - converting fields to plain text in selected primitives
BGHATCHDEL - Removing hatching

Idea conception by: Vladimir Svet (VOVA from

Programmation by: Vladimir Azarko (VVA from

special thanks: ϸòð Ëîñêóòîâ (Alaspher),LEE MAC,,,


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